
E$COBAR’s tag-name comes from the infamous Pablo Escobar, anti-hero of the Netflix smash series Narcos, stylized “E$COBAR”.

E$COBAR’s artworks explore the Western world’s culture, its values and its contradictions. They are often ironic takes on current topics or striking visual juxtapositions of contrasting yet interlaced elements like LOVE, MONEY and POWER, as exemplified by his best selling SprayCans Trilogy.

E$COBAR embraces the pop culture of Warhol and the street culture of Banksy together with the power of words and symbols to convey strong messages in the most direct way possible.

E$COBAR’s artworks are both empowering and encouraging reflection on the state of the world. E$COBAR counts in collectors from all over the world.

E$COBAR’s works appeal to the Western, Middle-Eastern and Eastern cultures at the same time. Global top 500 CEO’s, Royal Families, Heads Of State as well as many celebrities, football players and TV personalities are adding his works to their collections.